Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Don't stop me now!
We have a special movie to share with you. This is our final performance for the year the year 6 team. It is our school prize giving item. Our teacher Ms Tito taught us this very fun item. We loved being part of it - you will be able to see this in the video.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Take care, keep safe and well. See you in 2010!
Room 18 students
Friday, November 20, 2009
What's on your mind Tiki?
When the tall Mr J passed me the mic I knew it was my turn. As much as I was nervous I was excited. I love that feeling. I was back on the stage waiting for those words .It's like time plays a game with you when you want it to slow down it speeds up. I could see my parents - that made my palms start sweating. The guitarists were in the wings waiting until it was our turn . By then I was as hot as a Ferrari's engine . Sione said those words 'Tiki whats on your mind?' I stood up, my heart beating as fast as it could. The guitarists were creeping on to the stage with their big guitars .
I turned on the mic ready to sing . Now that is a buzzy feeling . I opened my mouth and my little brother was laughing his head off. I started to sing with a smile on my face. I sang the first two lines and I was already dancing. The crowd was quiet so I thought they didn't like it. I started singing the chorus. My hips swaying, my mouth moving. I saw my dad then calmed down. That is one of those times when time plays that game with me. So I just let it slide. Before I knew it my song was slowly ending .I felt like everyone stopped.
I turned and thought seriously 'what's for dinner?' Then the crowd just let me have it they were clapping and yelling. That I will never forget. I looked at my dad and smiled he smiled back then I knew what was for dinner.
By Kalim
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Big Thank You from Kalim!

Hi! As you all may know my name is Kalim. I thank you for all of your comments. This has made me feel supported I feel more confident to get up on stage and perform for all of my fans. I thought that only my school would watch this movie but I was wrong . I am glad I could share that movie with you. A BIG THANK YOU!!!!!
From Kalim
Friday, November 13, 2009
Pompeii with Te Papa

We were able to ask some questions throughout. The answers we received were so good - the team at Te Papa are so good at explaining things. We've posted some photos here of our VC with Te Papa. Students of Room 18 will be posting their reflections on their individual blogs soon. Some will have some short videos to share with you.
Thanks again to the team at Te Papa. We look forward to meeting with you again.
Manaiakalani Film Festival
Movie produced by Tanielu, Blessing, Moses and Leoden of Room 18
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Little Pink Riding Hood

Friday, September 18, 2009
Jack and the Brick Wall
Nearly everybody in the world knows the story of 'Jack and the beanstalk' and the nursery rhyme 'Humpty Dumpty' but what about giving both a twist?
Watch the movie below and see what the twist is. We hope you appreciate It.
This movie was made by two year six students in Room 18.
Leoden and Sam
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hey Diddle Diddle - remix!
Take a look at this movie and see if you can figure out what we mean. We hope you enjoy our movie!
By Paulitia and Kezia
Detective Goldilocks
Monday, August 17, 2009
Finally a post from Ms T

One thousand apologies for not posting sooner but my main focus has been to get to know the wonderful students in my new class... Room 18 of Point England school - Wooohoooo!
I can honestly say I am absolutely delighted with my whole class. I have a room full of very talented year 6 students that have wonderful attitudes towards education and learning. What more could a teacher ask for? (besides muffins and chocolate biscuits)
I am slowly getting to know my students to see what makes them tick... their interests, passions, strengths and weaknesses AND like most of them said, a lot of them have the same passions and interests as myself, so we get on like a house on fire.
This terms topic is of course 'The art in storytelling' and we are having a blast. We have pretty much focused most learning areas around myths and legends, fairy tales and folk stories - so lots of fiction and fictitious characters. Students have been writing creative 'twisted fairy tales' to produce for their I.C.T learning object, so watch this space for future posts of movies and animations. Our reading material for our reading tumble has a fiction focus also. If you know anyone in Room 18, you might want to ask them about some of the folk stories or myths we have been reading about. We have been inspired by Dr Seuss's illustrations and have based some artwork around his weird and wonderful drawings - we might have to take some photos to post as well.
All in all, we are having a ball in Room 18. I have been really impressed with the activities a lot of my students have been involved in such as; interviewing the prime minister, conferencing with Hamish Campbell, presenting (on a weekly basis) to visiting teachers and principals, being school role models during assembly and lots more.
So, to all you followers of Pt England School... I feel blessed to be working in a school that really cares about each and every person linked to the school. the children, the staff and the community. Watch this space for more updates (and yes my goal is to post regularly) Ka kite ano - Arohanui Ms T x
Thursday, July 16, 2009
UPDATE Kalim 5 minutes of fame

Kalim did us proud Pt England! He had the difficult task of being the very first performer on Monday. The audience were treated to Kalim singing as well as some very slick moves across the stage. Proud Pt Englanders and family members were in the crowd cheering.
Kalim sang 'I want you back' by the Jackson five and then followed it up with a dance routine to a song by TPain. At the end of the performance we watched 3 more items - all varied in style and talent. The winner was announced. This time round it wasn't Kalim, however we know that it's a great start for him and next time he will be even better. Thanks to Mr Jacobsen for the great photos!
Malo lava le taumafai Kalim.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Kalim - 5 minutes of fame
UPDATE!! Kalim's entry has been accepted and he will be performing on Monday the 13th July - 11am at the St Luke's Westfield. Let's get there and support him!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Room 18 have HIRED!

Thursday, June 4, 2009
MTV Dance Stars
The song is called ‘1, 2 Step’ by Ciara. Most of the dancing was unrehearsed, and we quickly discovered that there were some pretty talented dancers in our class.
Watch Jacob and Bobbi Grace amaze us with their krumping moves, and see Blessing with his cool flips. You might see them starring in a real music video in the future!
Well done to Cruz, Leoden and Destiney for filming all the footage.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Riverside Club Rocks!
Take a look at Sela’s interview with Mr Burt:
Q: When did it start?
A: Riverside club started in August 1991.
Q: How long have you been a part of it?
A: Since the day it began. It was started by me and Mrs Burt, and Mr and Mrs Liddle.
Q: Why is it called the Riverside club?
A: It’s called the Riverside club partly because I live on Riverside Avenue, but also because when the club started, it was in the Scout hall on Riverside Avenue.
Q: What gave you the idea to start the Riverside club?
A: Well we noticed that there were a lot of kids who didn’t have much to do after school, especially when there were no winter sports on. So we thought that we’d start a club that could give people fun things to do once a week after school, and that they could do camps in the holidays.
Q: Where do you get all your game ideas from?
A: Well Sela, two places really. One is from experience and friends and from reading books. I’ve acquired those games over a long, long time. The other place I get them from is, I make them up!
Sela: Thank you Mr Burt for your time.
Mr Burt: You’re very welcome.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
C.R.E. with Mrs Clarke
Every lesson is about a story from the bible. We always learn something important from the lessons such as a moral of the story, or a message about how we can become better Christians.
We really appreciate Mrs Clarke for teaching us more about the bible.
Well done to Sela, Cruz and the team for putting this clip together.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sam and Kalim's got talent!
Thank you to the other great students in Room 18 for agreeing to be back up singers and dancers. Tanielu did a great job as usual editing all the footage with some help from the teacher.
Hopefully we will see Sam (Semiliu) and Kalim on NZ idol in the future!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Meeting House update
Each of the 3 meeting rooms has a new name. If you know the names of these rooms please post a comment, especially all you Pt Englanders.
Cruz did an excellent job of putting this movie together, and Tyler was a great reporter. Leoden, Kezia and Omni also helped with this movie. Thank you Mauina from Room 17 and Mr Jacobsen for agreeing to be interviewed. Well done team.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Immersion Week
Senior students always look forward to immersion week as they never know what the teachers have in store for them. See what these students have to say about immersion week.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Room 18 are hiring!
A group of talented Year 6 students from this class decided to create an advertisement for the position. If you haven't already seen it, the movie ad is on our school website under 'Employment opportunities'. But you can view it below.
Mrs Burt tells me that we have had some amazing responses from people around the world interested in the movie. I just hope that we get an amazing teacher for this amazing class. Watch this space......!
Mrs Lagitupu.
Friday, May 1, 2009
At the start of each new term, we have an immersion assembly where all the teachers dress up according to the theme or topic for the term. Team 4 decided to put together a movie to share for immersion. Well done to Mrs Nua, Ms Squires, Miss King and Mr Palmer for starring in it. Mrs Lagitupu was the director. We hope you like it.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Visual Mihimihi
1) A self portrait
2) A koru design that represents our whanau
3) A place of significance to us
4) A piece that represents our culture.
We also had to explain why we chose to draw the artwork/image and how it was significant to us. Those of us who spoke clearly and confidently, and memorised our mihi, scored well on our rubric. Take a look at some of our finished artworks and tell us what you think about them.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sam and Tyler's holiday recounts
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Trey Holiday recount
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Moses Holiday Recount
The graphics were created in Hyperstudio 5, and then the images were exported as jpegs into i-movie. A voice over was included to explain what the graphics were about, and then a soundtrack was added to some movies if there was enough time. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing some of the completed holiday recounts from our class. We would love to hear about what YOU got up to in the holidays!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It is 78 feet long and can reach speeds of up to 40 knots. It was built in Auckland, NZ and was ready to launch in February 2006. The Earthrace cost about $3 million dollars to build. Did you know that it uses 100% biodiesel fuel? If you didn't know, this type of fuel is natural, nontoxic and biodegradable. In other words, its good for the environment.
The Earthrace sure is one cool boat! Well done Leoden!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
New Building at Pt England
Tanielu did a great job with the videography and Leoden was a fantastic interviewer. Cruz edited this movie with some help from Mrs Lagitupu. Sela took some great photos, and Paulitia and Kezia provided the script. Well done guys!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Language of Success
In this movie, the members of Gates reading group present scenarios where the language of success may be used. We also showcase some of our class holiday recounts, and Kalim and Semiliu do a wonderful job singing acapella for our soundtrack.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Treaty of Waitangi
Included in this video are some bloopers to show our audience that filming and acting is not as easy as it looks. The students filmed this movie independently, but had help with editing. We hope you enjoy their movie.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Meet Room 18!
PES Art Expo 2022 - Room 7 Artwork
Today our school held an Art Expo in the hall. Each team and class in the school showcased the art creations from their inquiry around ...

Do you like fast cars? Have you seen any of the Fast and Furious movies? Who is your favourite character? Well the Year 7 & 8 Extensio...
Your journey through school is a unique experience. Some students like to work hard, while others are happy to cruise along and enjoy their ...
So, what do you want to be when you grow up? Our movie is about a 5 year old student who dreams about what she wants to be when she grows...