EnviroTravel from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Rugby World Cup Finals
As Richie Macaw and Thierry Dusautoir (captains of France and All Blacks) led their teams out of the holding rooms and into the end of the tunnel where they would experience the last 80min of the Rugby World Cup and battle out in the final for that William Webb Ellis cup. Lining up together you could see the determination of both teams eagerly wanting to win that cup and take it out to make their country proud. Soon as both teams came out the camera went straight to the crowd, you could see a sea of white and black backing up the All Blacks. Excitement was really in the air.
After the National anthem both teams ran out onto the field as the All Blacks were getting ready to perform the Haka. The Haka was led by Piri Weepu the scrum-half. The All Blacks performed the haka with pride and dignity. But the french weren’t afraid to put up a good battle.
The whistle blew and Piri Weepu kicked off to the french. That’s when I knew that the game was going to be really intense. Seconds after seconds then minutes after minutes nobody was scoring. I guess my parents finally knew I was quite not together with me screaming and yelling at the T.V yelling “pass the ball or are you serious reff” I guess I couldn’t help it. Finally the All Blacks tried. An outstanding try by Tony Woodcock. It was amazing. In the second half France scored by that wasn’t enough for them to win the Webb Ellis Cup and take it out.
Richie McCaw led his team to victory and was very proud of his boys. They made history. It has been 24 years since the Rugby World Cup has been to New Zealand and 24 years since they have won it.
I was watching the event on tv. The atmosphere was huge! Even I was getting nervous just watching the crowd build! The crowd roared before and throughout the game. The game was about to begin. The two teams were about to jogg onto the field. They came onto the field and sang their national anthems (I stood up and sang it too!). The All Blacks performed their fearsome haka and the match was about to begin.
France came out flying quickly getting the ball into their possession. Surprisingly the French were not kicking the ball away as they normally did in their recent games. Instead they were using the ball spreading it quickly around the park trying to counter the might of the All Blacks defence. France were on the front foot in the first 20 minutes, dominating the set pieces with strong scrums and decisive line outs.
The All Blacks needed to establish themselves as the dominate team in this game. So they capitalized on a chance close to the Frech try line with a beautiful set piece move ending up with the prop Tony Woodcock cashing in for the first points. This was a big kick coming up, Weepu was given several chances to take the lead for the All Blacks but was denied both times. This kick would give the All Blacks a bit of breathing space but unfortunately Piri Weepu failed to convert. They went to halftime with the lead being 5-0.
The All Blacks were struck with yet another injury to young gun Aaron Cruden forcing Stephen Donald to come on and make his debut in the World Cup! Fortunately Donald stepped up to the challenge and converted what would be the winning penalty! I was ready to faint in the dying minutes of the game with the clock ticking and the French behind by 1 but having the ball inside the All Blacks half. I nervously watched on as the clock ticked....... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The All Blacks were given a penalty, all they needed to do was win the line and hold onto the ball. YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! THE PLAGUE IS FINALLY OVER!!!!!! 24 YEARS OF WAITING HAVE FINALLY COME TO AN END!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Cross Country 2011
Every year, we hold a cross country race. The way its usually set up is in age groups but this year it was a bit different. Instead of age groups, we just raced in years. For example all the Year 7 girls race each other, Year 7 boys race and so on.
Something that was also a bit different was the race course. Instead of just a run around the reserve and back to our field, we ran a race course that was 3.5km ! But luckily for the Year 7's, they only had to run 3km.
As soon as the Year 7 boys were out of sight, the Year 8 girls lined up along the starting line. Miss V explained the race course to us and we waited anxiously for Miss V to clap the clapper. "On your marks" she started "get set..." CLAP ! As soon as we heard the 'clap' we shot off like lightening bolts and tried to overtake each other.
We hadn't even gotten to halfway when we saw the boys catching up to us. Most of us girls started sprinting as soon as we saw the boys, but others were calm and collected and didn't even try to keep in front of the boys. Unfortunately, I was one of those girls. Taking our time, kind of just strolling through the bush.
For a while we started to just stroll along, but then we felt quite de-hydrated so we started to power-walk. A long while later, we saw our school poking through all the ferns and trees, so we started to walk faster. We had nearly gotten to the finished line when we were told by Mrs Lagitupu that we still had 1/2km to run. Puffed out, we went back to walking and finally got to the finish line.
I had known that I wasn't going to come first because I was competing against people like Etta and April. But my goal was to not come last and guess what? I didn't !
Friday, August 12, 2011
All Blacks at Pak'nSave Glen Innes
All Black players Richard Kahui, Isaia Toeava and Adam Thompson drew a huge crowd of All Black supporters at Glen Innes Pak'nSave last week. Excited children (and their mums) eagerly waited in the queue to get an autograph, photos and the chance to meet some famous All Blacks. Many Pt England students were lucky enough to meet their stars. Go the All Blacks!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Keep Your Eye On The Ball
Friday, July 8, 2011
Term 2 Highlights
One of the many highlights for me this term was participating in the schools Rugby team. I really enjoy training with my mates and we are doing really well this year and are hoping that we can go all the way. So far we have won the Auckland East tournament and are heading into the Auckland champion of champions tournament this Wednesday! Another thing that was related to Rugby throughout the term was some of my friends and I making the Bill Mclaren East Auckland team. I have really enjoyed the trainings and cannot wait for the tournament to come up!
Being able to go to the annual ‘I am making movies 2’ awards at the Auckland Museum was another highlight, making the actual movie was a highlight but making the finals for best documentary is a true honour. It was a wonderful experience especially getting to listen to an awesome all men choir! They were outstanding and really set the night!
Although this term would be the term where I was challenged the most physically it was still an enjoyable one. It was an amazing experience for me, especially sports. It’s been a term that I will never forget when I go onto college.
Term 2 highlights
One of my favourite highlight this term was of course the sports. Sports are a big hobby of mine. A sport I joined in the beginning of this term was soccer. This was the first time we had ever entered a soccer competition. Our coach was the awesome Rm 19 teacher Mr Harris. Our boys also entered. Another sport I joined is netball. We play netball every Tuesday and our coach is Missy. So far we are doing alright but we need more practice.
Another highlight of mine I am making movies. We had a lot of fun making the movie but sometimes it would be a lot pressure by Mrs Lagitupu yelling at us to get it done. But all that yelling paid off at the end. It paid off because when it was time to go to the awards which was held by Auckland Museum we won Best Storytelling and the Supreme Award. Our prize a digital video camera, a few USB’s and a video camera. It was a lot of fun.
My last highlight for Term 2 was Taoga Time with Mrs Nua. With her we learnt how to speak Japanese and how to pronounce the mihi in Maori. We learnt how to count and to say hello, good afternoon, and many more with Mrs Nua. Just last week Mrs Nua’s sister Mrs London came to our school to teach how to speak Japanese. She was an expert and was excellent at speaking that language. She taught us a lot of things for example things like our body part, using chop sticks and many more. Taoga Time this term was AWESOME.
This term has been an awesome term for me and can’t wait for next term.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Mr Burt's korero
First he talked to us about Gum. People here at our school are out of control with chewing gum. There is a good reason why that gum is not allowed here at school. The reason why is because it can get stuck to furniture and it also looks very ugly on our school grounds. It is also bad chewing gum then you swallow it because people say that if you swallow gum, it will come out eight years later.
There are many schools overseas that have no money. Some schools don’t have a music teacher or even a sport teacher. Some teachers sadly get fired because the school does not have enough money to pay them. He also told us that they have teachers that only work four days a week. Mr Burt said that we are lucky to have a music teacher, also a sports co-ordinator and that it is a privilege to have these net books and have these kinds of working tools that we use here.
Now that he has told us about schools over seas, it is an honour being here at this school and his talk also made us feel sad about the people in other countries. Now that we know we are one of the best schools in the world.
Term 2 Highlights
Being a barrister has given me some useful skills. Now, I know how to make a cappuccino, flat white, long black, short black, moccacino, and every kids favourite...hot chocolates ! These skills that I have developed will be very useful if, in the future, I want to become a professional barrister.
The I AM Making Movies competition was also a great experience. In this competition, we got to make our own movies. We based our movie on the history and heritage of New Zealand. It was an animation with a voice over. What was awesome about this competition, was that we won the award for “best creative storytelling” and we even won the “supreme” award ! Again, it was an awesome experience !
This term, has also been the start to our rugby season. So far, we have had about 3 games, against Bailey Road, St Josephs and Tamaki Intermediate. The total amount of the games we have won, are 1 ! Even though we haven’t won many games, we still have a chance because we have upcoming games against Viscount and Kedgley. Kedgley and Viscount are very good rugby teams, so we have to try extremely hard when we play against them !
Term 2 has had many fun things to do and join. I hope that term 3 can do the same !
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Talk about it!
Talk About It from SchoolTV on Vimeo.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Pt England @ the Museum Movie Awards Night
I am making movies 2 Pt England Wins from SchoolTV on Vimeo.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Awards Night at the Museum

Congratulations to Miss King and Room 13 for winning their category.
Well done and congratulations to the extension group and students from Team 5 (Paulitia, Sela, Helen, Kezia, Henry and all the animators) for winning their category and for taking out the top prize of 'Supreme Award' winners. Well done!!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Immersion: Creativity with Ms Tito

As part of our task we had to create a way of creating our name in anyway possible. The whole senior team could enter this competition and the prize would be to throw water balloons at your class, including the teacher!!! I looked around the classroom seeing many cool designs. I knew that this task was not going to be easy!
When I was thinking about some ideas I looked around the class room and saw people already starting! That showed me that I really needed to pick up before time ran out! I had an idea but it was quite complicated. In the end of the session I had just finished in time, I don’t think it was my best work that I have done but I just hope it would be good enough to be a contender at least.
At the end of the day I really enjoyed the activity and I would like to do it again!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Immersion: Discovery with Mrs Nua

Our final results didn’t turn out so good. Apparently our egg cracked, but it was very cool though. The winner was Casey and Tanielu. So what I learned from discovery was whether we could find out if our experiment worked or not. It was such a lot of fun.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Our History Our Heritage
Our History Our Heritage from SchoolTV on Vimeo.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Men of Courage
Men of Courage from SchoolTV on Vimeo.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Term 2

Our topic for Term 2 is 'Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger'.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hi my name is Musse. I come from Christchurch, New Zealand, but I go to Pt England School in Glen Innes now. I am 11 years old. I was born in Christchurch Women’s Hospital. My favourite colour is blue and my favourite sports are soccer and rugby.
In my family I have a Dad and Mum. Their names are Yigzaw and Yeshu. I also have 3 sisters and their names are Jerusalem, Rebeka, and Selome.
My last school was Shirley Intermediate School in Christchurch. My friends names were Samuel, Kitiona, Tasipale, and Viliami.
My favourite thing to do in my spare time is to go on Playstation and play with my family.
I feel really happy with starting school at Pt England, because I have found lots of friends and because people from this school have been welcoming me to this school.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Camp TC

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
School Picnic
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
New Netbooks!

Room 21 are loving their new netbooks! Mrs Burt arrived on Wednesday last week to deliver them to our class. We have spent the past few days getting to know how to navigate and use the different functions because the desktop and programmes/applications are a little different to what we're used to.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Room 21 2011
Welcome to our wonderful class blog. This is our class photo outside our brand new Intermediate School building at Pt England. These are some of the spectacular children from years 7 to 8 who all like to learn from our pretty teacher whose name is Mrs Lagitupu.
We will have some amazing animations to show on our blog during the year. We have lots of smart and intelligent kids in our class. We all will love some comments from you.
By Tokorima and Nezinli (Year 7)
PES Art Expo 2022 - Room 7 Artwork
Today our school held an Art Expo in the hall. Each team and class in the school showcased the art creations from their inquiry around ...

Do you like fast cars? Have you seen any of the Fast and Furious movies? Who is your favourite character? Well the Year 7 & 8 Extensio...
Your journey through school is a unique experience. Some students like to work hard, while others are happy to cruise along and enjoy their ...
So, what do you want to be when you grow up? Our movie is about a 5 year old student who dreams about what she wants to be when she grows...