Hi my name is Musse. I come from Christchurch, New Zealand, but I go to Pt England School in Glen Innes now. I am 11 years old. I was born in Christchurch Women’s Hospital. My favourite colour is blue and my favourite sports are soccer and rugby.
In my family I have a Dad and Mum. Their names are Yigzaw and Yeshu. I also have 3 sisters and their names are Jerusalem, Rebeka, and Selome.
My last school was Shirley Intermediate School in Christchurch. My friends names were Samuel, Kitiona, Tasipale, and Viliami.
My favourite thing to do in my spare time is to go on Playstation and play with my family.
I feel really happy with starting school at Pt England, because I have found lots of friends and because people from this school have been welcoming me to this school.