Monday, October 23, 2017

Niue Language Week 2017

Last week on Friday the Niuean group performed at assembly as part of the Niue Language Week Celebrations. The theme for this year is 'Ko e Vagahau Niue, ko e atefua he tagata Niue'. This means that the Niue Language is the heart of Niue people.

The item began with a quick speech from Mrs Lagitupu. Then TJ gave a fantastic introduction followed by brief speeches from some of our Niuean students. Our Niuean girls danced to a Niuean song called 'Sipolo' by a group called the Island Pride Band and Glen Jackson. The boys finished with a takalo (haka). Thank you to our wonderful Niuean group and students for sharing their language and culture. Fakaue lahi!

Niue Language Week item 2017 full version from SchoolTV on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

OMGTech Workshop

Today groups of students from Years 3 to 8 enjoyed taking part in a workshop run by Kawana from OMGTech. During the workshop students learnt about how electricity flows in a basic circuit. They even got to create their own mini LED torch. Next students had the opportunity to use Makey Makey kits to create music and sounds on a coding programme called Scratch.

The students enjoyed the hands on experience.  We are grateful to Kawana, OMGTech and the group of volunteers from Microsoft for giving up their time to teach us.

OMGTech workshops mini LED and Makey Makey from SchoolTV on Vimeo.

Year 7 & 8 Extension Projects

In Term 3 the Year 7 & 8 Extension students had to work in small groups of 3-4 on a project. Each group had to use 'Scratch' and 'Makey Makey' kits to create one of 3 projects:

1. Band
2. Game Show
3. Game controls for people with physical disabilities

Here are snippets of highlights from their presentations.

Y7&8 Extn projects Term 3 2017 from SchoolTV on Vimeo.

PES Art Expo 2022 - Room 7 Artwork

 Today our school held an Art Expo in the hall. Each team and class in the school showcased the art creations from their inquiry around ...